02/07/2024 0 Comments
Majority World Appeal: September
Majority World Appeal: September
# Majority World Appeal
Majority World Appeal: September
The Majority World Appeal for September is YCARE International.
YCARE International is the YMCA/YWCA international relief and development agency. In partnership with YMCA and YWCA across the developing world. They respond to the needs of the most disadvantaged young people.
They search the latest jobs and volunteering opportunities in developing countries so that they can help young people to develop alternatives to poverty and lack of opportunity. On a Global scale YCARE International enables marginalized young people to explore the global dimension of issues affecting their lives.
YCARE International works in over 20 countries worldwide, in partnership with local YMCA/YWCAs.
In the UK and Ireland YCARE International is one of the biggest providers of global youth work.