Welcome to the Church of the Ascension,
an inclusive and affirming church in South London.
Holy Communion at 10:30am every Sunday
The Church of the Ascension is a place for everyone: young or old, male, female or non-binary, straight or LGBT+, believers, doubters, those who are seeking, those who are lost and those who are found. We seek to serve God, to care for our world and to love our neighbour. We fall short, because we are human, but we trust in the redeeming love of our Saviour. Come as you are, for you are welcome at the table of Jesus. All are welcome in this place.
Our main service of Holy Communion is at 10:30am on Sunday morning.
Our Vicar, Anne, is on sabbatical until late August. Please see our contact us page for more details on how we can help during this time.
Our Ark playgroup, which runs on Wednesdays at 10am in term time, will restart in September.
The Church of the Ascension takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults seriously.
Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.